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15 Ways to Live a Fuller and Happier Life

By October 5, 2021October 7th, 2021No Comments

You want to learn how to live a fuller happier life, and that is amazing! Happiness is entirely within your control; you just have to release the idea that you can find happiness from external sources. You create happiness for yourself by changing your attitude towards your life and improving your mindset.

I have split this list into three sections: Let Go, Discover, and Take Action. We cover all the things you need to let go of to life a fuller life, the parts of you that you need to discover, and the actions that you need to take in order to live your best life.

Let Go

Learning to let go of things that no longer serve you is imperative on your path to a happier life.

1. Let Go of Perfection

Nothing slows down happiness and growth faster than the relentless pursuit of perfection. It stops you in your tracks, frozen with the endless edits, tinkers, and changes to create your idea of perfection.

You will never be happy if you are constantly in the pursuit of perfection, because perfection is unattainable. You can perceive something as perfect, but if you constantly search for perfection, you will only ever find more flaws. You are coming from a headspace that leads you to believe it isn’t good enough, and that negative headspace can’t be filled with more tinkering and changing; it can only be filled with love and acceptance.

Let go of trying to do everything perfectly. Do everything imperfectly, and breathe through that nagging thought that it isn’t perfect. You’ll be surprised by how much stress is left behind.

2. Let Go of the Idea That You Know Everything

As we become teenagers and adults, we develop this mindset that we know everything and to not know something is to be weak and vulnerable. Let go of this idea and start questioning everything you think you know.

The concept that you know everything and that you are always right is a closed mindset. You can’t learn, grow, and change if you aren’t open to new ideas and ways of thinking. Practice saying things like: “I did not know that,” “What do you think about this?” and “Is this true, or is this something I have just known my whole life?” Question your reality because it might be just repeated, old, and outdated ideals.

3. Let Go of Your Ego

Your ego is a wonderful tool at times, but when your ego gets too bossy, it becomes a problem. What is the ego? The ego is your idea of self[1]. The ego makes you act for appearances instead of principles.

When you’re performing for imaginary people’s imaginary expectations for you, you can only lose because you are creating the expectations and making them unrealistic. It is a constant practice to let go of the ego. Practice gratitude and letting go of those all-consuming thoughts.

4. Let Go of Constant Comparison

If you really want to learn how to live a fuller happier life, you have to stop comparing yourself to other people. Comparing yourself to others is futile because you aren’t the same. You haven’t walked in their shoes, and you don’t have their resources or skill set. You are different, and focusing on comparing yourself to them will only bring negative results.

Comparison ultimately results in resentment and deprives you of the joy in your life because, instead of focusing on all that you have, you focus on how you aren’t enough. Be inspired by other people and use it to propel your goals forward, but keep your eyes on your own unique life.